What is the Improving Cancer Outcomes Program?

Since its founding in 2016, MiOra has been a staunch advocate for cancer patients, emphasizing the importance of early screening and diagnosis to improve outcomes. Delayed diagnoses can lead to worse outcomes, making timely intervention critical. Strong community support is also vital in improving patient outcomes.

Participation in clinical trials is essential to assess the safety and efficacy of new medications across diverse racial and ethnic groups. Unfortunately, minorities frequently face barriers that restrict their access to these trials.

MiOra provides a variety of support services, including in-person and tele-help, for cancer patients and their families. Our HIPAA-certified interns are now equipped with an AI tool to help locate nearby clinical trials for individuals with cancer. If you require our support or are interested in collaborating on this significant project, please feel free to reach out to us.

2021-2022 MiOra Ovarian Cancer Core Team

Top left to right: Indiara Gonzalez BSc, Victoria Onigbinde BSc, Belinda Jimenez, Michelle Seu BSc, Willie Watts-Troutman RN, Dr. Ozlem Equils MD FAAP, Klaudi Lekaj BSc, Cynthia Muyah BSN RN, Amy Huang, Evelyn Ogunnubi, Brianna Rochebrun BSc, Josephine Arewa, and Fanesse Muyah

2022-2023 MiOra Ovarian and Uterine Cancers Program Core Team

(From left to right): Amonda Bakaj, MS; Kalkidan Amare, BSc; Irma Rivas, MPH; Ozlem Equils, MD, FAAP; Yvonne Villalobos, BSc; Stephanie Ortiz, BSc; Angela Bakaj, MA; Aileen Valezuela, BSc; Andrea Mata, BSc

2022-2023 MiOra Multiple Myeloma Program Core Team

(From left to right): Amonda Bakaj, MS; Yenis Gonzalez, MPH; Linda Hernandez, BSc; Ozlem Equils MD, FAAP; Angela Bakaj, MA; Marco Toledo, BSc
