What We Do

MiOra provides an opportunity to do research to all students.

Interns conduct cutting edge health, policy and STEM research projects.

They work on their own time and wherever they are.

They learn how to develop surveys, collect and analyze data, do literature research, develop poster and manuscripts.

They gain experience in networking and learn how to most effectively connect with experts and potential future professors and employers.

MiOra interns elevate their career trajectory and help others while they are helping themselves.

They find their strengths and purpose, and improve the health of their community through scientific discovery, health fairs, community outreach campaigns and policy initiatives.

They present their accomplishments at local scientific, public health and quality improvement conferences, and build their communication skills and confidence. 

Above left: MiOra students from La Vernia High school, who completed their HIPAA training. Above right: MiOra and Walgreens Provided Flu shots and healthy living and medication management education to the participants of forever young adult day center

Interns in Action
