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Intern/Alumni Testimonials

I got accepted to the Associates Degree in Nursing program at LA Harbor College near San Pedro. I will work on getting my Bachelors Degree in Nursing afterwards. This program is ranked 9 in California. Thank you again Dr. Equils. I am grateful for the support you have given me!

MiOra alumnus is accomplishing his dreams: got accepted to a nursing school

Manuel Mendoza

BS California State University, Public Health, MiOra Alumnus

During my internship with MiOra, I gained valuable experience. I had the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of public health research methodologies and the intricacies involved in developing research studies. My experience with MiOra provided me with a solid foundation as I transition into the clinical side of medicine.

I am excited to announce my commitment to Duke University’s School of Medicine, where I will be joining the Cardiac Sonography Program. I eagerly anticipate the chance to immerse myself in a large healthcare system at Duke University.

Avery Ongman, BS (CSULB)

Duke University School of Medicine, Cardiac Sonography

From MiOra, I have obtained invaluable, practical experience through community health events, academic conferences, and publications. In fact, from my 2 years at MiOra, I received 2 manuscript publications, one in mental health and the other in STEM education, 2 abstract publications, both in diabetes prevention, and 7 conference poster projects.

These MiOra experiences have been priceless on my personal journey, from aspiring to become a doctor, to being accepted into the University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry (Class of 2024, MD). With each MiOra project, I have learned and further developed my personal and professional skills such that I have been able to grow not only as a researcher but also an individual more certain of my health-related passions.

Daniel Lopez

Graduate of Johns Hopkins Univ. accepted to Rochester School of Medicine

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