Health inequities are rooted in systemic disparities, and they continue to plague different populations through differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources. It is especially evident in Los Angeles, in which minorities, often Black and Latinx, are faced with disadvantages regarding their health.

Factors that contribute to ongoing disparities include socioeconomic status, in which people with lower income or education levels have limited access to healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living environments, resulting in poorer health outcomes. Access to healthcare services among certain populations is also limited due to transportation or lack of health insurance.

Environmental factors can also play a role as areas with poorer air quality or populations with greater exposure to environmental toxins are negatively impacted. As a Hispanic male student living in Los Angeles, my position allows me to understand these disparities quite intimately.

By engaging in MiOra’s experiential internship, I’ve learned how to actively contribute to addressing the underlying causes of health inequities in the world around me. Developing knowledge and skills in research, public health, community outreach, educational intervention, and more, has empowered me to advocate for my community, as well as other impacted communities. 

Ramiro Ramirez, CHHS, Community Health Science, California State University Long Beach, 2023.
